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Womenize! Celebrates its Comeback in Early June

The return of Womenize! as an onsite event is taking shape. The event will take place on the 5th of June in Berlin. Ticket sales have started.

Stephan Steininger11.04.2024 11:16
Womenize! Celebrates its Comeback in Early June
The last time Womenize took place on a larger scale on site before Corona was in 2019 Grzegorz Karkoszka/Booster Space

In September last year, Booster Space, the organisers of Womenize!, introduced a new head of Womenize, Madeleine Egger, and held out the prospect of a comeback as an event. The plans for the event, which first took place in 2015 as part of the International Games Week Berlin, the second-biggest gaming event in Germany after gamescom until the coronavirus pandemic, are now coming to fruition.

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